Gratitude and trust are closely related. In order to be thankful for everyone and everything in my life‚ I need to trust that the universe makes sense, that everything my soul has chosen to experience in my lifetime has been for my ultimate highest good. I trust that when it appears I'm failing, I'm only learning. I make a great effort to bless my life as it is, both the so-called triumphs and disasters. A line from Kipling's poem If often comes to mind: "If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat these two impostors just the same."
When I remind myself that I am a student in Earth School, choosing those lessons that enhance my soul's purpose, it's possible to more readily bless every circumstance of my life. Of course, from a more unenlightened segment of myself, I sometimes wonder, "Why did I choose this particular misery?" Yet, gratitude for, and trust in, ultimate justice is the best antidote for the poisonous emotions of self-pity and resentment. I find it impossible to experience gratitude and negative emotions simultaneously.
When my soul arrived in Earth School, it set up some challenging lessons. Many years went by before I learned to see the blessings in these experiences. When I could honestly begin to understand their purpose and to feel gratitude for them‚ I made an escape from the darkness of a victim's prison into the light of freedom and joy.
Looking back over my life, I can see the beauty that the windstorms have carved. I trust current and future challenges to facilitate additional soul growth. My heart is filled with gratitude for all the people and events in my life because I now understand their higher purpose. My heart overflows with gratitude for the Divine Love that enfolds, guides, protects and sustains us all!
Check the link for Danielle Peck's song "Isn't that Everything"