Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Don't let it get you down

Stretch your faith. Let it grow. Ask for something that seems too big, too difficult, almost ridiculous. Ask in faith. Ask for something you need. Ask for something that you know is impossible without divine intervention. Ask through the power of the keys. Do it today! Do it now! Watch it happen!

When this world gets you down, when the troubles and the confusion of life surround you and close in on you, escape to Me. You can escape by rising above at any moment. You don't have to wait for conditions to improve in any way. Simply call out to Me. Ask Me specifically to help you rise above the pressure and strain, then and there, and I will lift you to a safe and secure haven for your mind and spirit.

There is a chamber in your heart, deep and hidden, where I have prepared a place of retreat. This place is protected from all the cares of the world, from all the attacks of the Enemy. This place is a defense in times of desperate need. To reach this place, all you have to do is ask Me to take you there. While you are in this place, I will wipe away all your tears and fears and renew your strength and courage to face life again.

Don't let discouragement get the better of you. Don't look at the waves. The waves are there--problems are there‚ your weaknesses are there, they're not your imagination--but they cannot drown you. They need not control you or direct your life. As Peter walked on water‚ you can walk on top of them and subdue them through My supernatural power.


Anonymous said...

People should read this.